Tag Archives: jealousy

It’s What’s Right About You!

Stop worrying and wondering what it is about you that causes some people to refuse to connect with you, celebrate you or respect you!  This is what the Lord revealed to me about a year and a half or so ago and today I am having to revisit this word and encourage myself with it.  This word actually came in the form of a post from an Anointed Woman of God.  I know that it was specifically for me because of the timing of it and also the prompt from the Holy Spirit as I read it.  Here it is:

“There is nothing “wrong with you” that causes people to reject you! In fact, it is “what’s right with you” that causes some people not to be able to connect with you! God is covering your purpose and rejection is just a part of your assignment! After all, Jesus was despised and rejected of man; when you truly belong to Him, that is also your lot!—“

You see, just a day or so prior to me reading the Word of the Lord from this Anointed Woman of God, I pondered within my heart..”why?”  Why do some reject me and just don’t like me for no apparent reason?  Why do they look at me hard, exclude me and treat me with contempt?  I even tried back tracking, just to see if I had said or did something offensively toward them…I could find nothing.  I prayed.  I cried.  I cried.  I prayed.  Then God spoke.  I am satisfied knowing that God is shaping my destiny.  God is covering me!  Even though from time to time I still go through bouts of hurt because of this issue, I quickly remind myself that It is not me…it is the enemy of my soul influencing others to reject me.  God is allowing this for my good.

So, if you can relate to this, stop worrying.  As long as you are not offensive to others and doing the will of God, just know that your purpose is covered by Him and you are on the right path to destiny, even though it is hard at times.  Take care and be strong during the seasons of alienation from others.  God is with you!

Denise Cook-Godfrey