Wait For Your Wealthy Place!

Wait for Your Wealthy Place!

Wow, the title of this article is so rich! No pun intended! The title actually comes from Psalms 66:11-12. When we fix our heart on these verses, we see that life sometimes comes with great distress, discomfort, and anguish of soul. God allows this. He is the one that the Psalmist says is responsible for “bringing us into the net” of the fire and water of trials. Yes, it’s true. God allows suffering and it always works together for our good. The wealthy place is mentioned, but let’s be careful and not expect that to be materialistic all the time. Sometimes our wealthy place is a place of grace, satisfaction, and an abundance of peace! This inner peace during trials is surely something that money will never be able to buy. So if you are in the wilderness of fire and water right now, pray for God to lead you out to your very own “wealthy place!” Do not miss out on it by entertaining preconceived notions that this is a place of something materialistic. Remember Paul’s thorn! God’s grace was sufficient then and it is today as well.


Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey
Author/Playwright /Liturgical Dance Instructor
Email- dcookgodfrey@gmail.com