Ministry is so peculiar at times. I have been a licensed Minister of the Gospel now since 2007 and I still stand in awe of how God always takes my breath away with surprises! That is why we have to follow hard after Proverbs 3:5-6. You know it. Go ahead and quote it, “Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths! This is one of those feel good scriptures that is so popular. Everyone can quote it but do we truly understand it by revelation and experience? I am still learning it! I had a dance ministry assignment not too long ago and I was all in a “tizzy” because I just did not know what songs to use. I was asked to do 2 dances, which is unusual because normally I only do one when I dance alone as a soloist. So this doubled my trouble, so to speak. I knew about the engagement at least a month and a half ahead of time but still did not know. I prayed and tried to put aside extra time to prepare myself like I love to do but still nothing. So, on the day of, I placed several songs that I had done in the past on a single CD and thought of two particular ones and went on my merry way. As I arrived I finally just had to pick 2 numbers. I prayed once more and went with it. Well, God moved in that place like never before. After I ministered, there was a woman sitting in the back who had an oxygen tank with her that she was on. She said to me: “let me hug you, you know, I just had open heart surgery and this is my first time attending church since that, and you know what, your dance has blessed my soul. I never gave up my hope during my trial”. Well, after this woman hugged me and said those words to me, I lost it. I melted, I began to be so humbled because I knew that God sent me up to that place for that one woman. One of the songs that I ministered was “I never lost my praise” and that particular song was the song that ministered to this woman. Praise the Lord! Had I done what I originally planned to do in my own mind, it would not have been that song. As I waited on the Lord to speak, I did not hear anything. I chose that song at the last minute because what I practiced as I was waiting on a confirmation from the Lord surely was not that particular song! So you see Ministers, sometimes God will hold out on you and then He will send you to just one! Yes, your ministry is to the masses, but sometimes you are sent to just one. I know this to be true. Take courage and always remain open to the odd ways that God reveals His will to you. Be Blessed!