Who is in Control?

When fierce, stormy inner battles rage… when everything around us feels lost, dark, and hopeless—stop! Pause and remember who is in control. From a Christian perspective, it is essential that we dwell in the shadow of God’s presence like never before. Life will always present challenges, but when we find ourselves caught in the crosswinds of struggle and confusion, recognizing WHO is in control makes all the difference between living in fear or walking in faith.

Calm down… be still… reflect… and reconsider WHO has already spoken. He has assured us that HE will be exalted among the nations and glorified throughout the earth. Psalm 46:10 reminds us: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!”

Please continue to pray for the ministry. There is a divine mandate on my life to preach the gospel, and God is using both the arts and the preached word to fulfill this calling. We are currently planning a stage play, creating a journal guide, and developing a devotional. I am excited to reveal the journal guide cover below—you are among the first to see it! I would love to hear your thoughts.

Additionally, I am seeking volunteers, especially pastors and youth leaders, who are willing to read the journal guide in advance and provide feedback. If you or someone you know might be interested, please reach out. The guide’s description is provided below the cover.

Take Care and enjoy your weekend!

Conversation…an exchange of ideas and thoughts between two parties. From research, it should be noted that the goal of a conversation is to share thoughts and ideas with each other. To have a successful conversation, you should understand your conversational partner’s language and produce a language they can understand.

So…where is the disconnect between those in Christianity who desire to have that conversation with an individual who chooses a sexual orientation that does not fit Genesis chapter one and verse twenty-seven?

For many, the task is somewhat awkward and requires careful observation, study, and most of all prayer for guidance. This guide will explore ways to hold a conversation with those who are ready to reconcile their faith in Christianity with their sexual orientation by denouncing bi-sexuality, lesbianism, non-binary, etc. This guide does not intend to coerce anyone or convince anyone to go against their own choices when it comes to sexual preference.

Don’t forget to check out all of our books on Amazon and follow the author here at: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B00B8KDHH4



Sometimes the whirlwinds of life will cause a rumbling within the soul. I’m talking about our inner life, that world where there are thoughts, arguments, and images that attempt to exalt themselves against what you know that you know about God and His Word. 

In short, the Holy Spirit is reminding me to learn again the art of being still and quiet in order to hear again. I’ve been going through one of the toughest storms in my family life since December 2023, and it has been tough. I am relearning that when I discipline my soul and be still before the Lord’s presence, I will be content during any circumstance. Thankfulness will flow freely, and I will continue to be that sheep that hear my Shepherd’s voice and follow His will. Here is one of my favorite passages that He brought to my remembrance and a few tips to exercise from day to day:

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalms 46:10

During these turbulent times we live in, we must continue to contend for our emotional and mental health. Our souls must be quietened and we must live in contentment with the will of God for our lives. Our times are in HIS HAND.


  • Begin and end your day with thankfulness, even when the storm is fierce!
  • Meditate on scripture and pray in your heavenly language as well as pray with confidence the written word of God. The Holy Spirit will navigate your prayers even if you have not received the gift of tongues, pray in conjunction with the Holy Spirit.
  • Don’t find the time, but prioritize quietness. Sit in silence for several moments as you meditate on the nature and character of our Lord. Listen carefully. This may seem awkward at first. A lot of people are not accustomed to total silence and sitting still with the Father. A part of being content through trials is to be satisfied with His goodness and know your identity in Him. Just sit there and honor Him in your thoughts. Calm your fears and storms within by allowing contentment and trust to override all fear, worry, and doubt.
  • Worship, worship, and worship. During times of worship and when you are not doing the discipline of total quietness, use instrumental worshipful music during times of worship. Remember, your worship time is consecrated to God. Don’t pray and petition during worship. Let this be a time when you are ministering and blessing Abba Father. Tell Him you love Him, exalt His Name, etc. I love to speak well of Him and remind Him of WHO HE IS…You are the Highest, the Creator, Sovereign, Master, Almighty, Counselor, etc.

IN OTHER NEWS…A book that my husband co-authored with me in 2021 has landed in Pakistan! I am so excited that people internationally will have the opportunity to learn and grow from principals from the book:  “Let’s Go Back to Church-For God is in Her Midst”. If you have not read it…please check it out. Hop over to Amazon. It is in paperback, kindle, and audible voice-over. Let me know your thoughts about this book. Click the link below.

Until the Calamities Pass By

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. (Psalm 57:1)

The above passage has been one that I have relied upon during the worse of times. I am also using this portion of God’s word to pray for those in the path of natural storms. Whether you find yourself in a disaster from something natural or from something internal such as depression, heaviness, uncertainty, etc., be sure to remember this…in order to hear God’s voice, one must release ALL worries into His care. That means everything that is concerning and overwhelming. Today, sit quietly in His presence and let His light and love drive out all fear, darkness, and anxiety. Allow His touch to heal all trauma.

God is sovereign. Accept each day as it comes and be thankful. This has been difficult in my life most recently, but I am determined to press my way into His presence day by day. I am praying for you and your family. Let’s continue to pray for the residents of Florida and North Carolina.

Blessings to you!

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey

Did you know that the books in my most recent series have hit the Amazon Best Seller list for at least the third time this year? This is exciting news and I pray that these books are a blessing to you. Grab your copies today at the link below!



I received a prophetic word several days ago from our scripture verse below. As I spent time in His presence this morning, the Lord brought the scripture to my remembrance and spoke profound truths to me. Here is one of the reminders He reminded me of:

–You’ve got to grip and squeeze tightly the hope that you affirm

–You cannot look ONLY at the fire and the water…you’ve got to remember the HAND of the LORD 

–Not only remember God’s Hand but remember His loyal love during the waiting seasons of your life

He kept speaking and encouraged me not to allow doubt (wavering) to take over during troubled times. Now, I’m talking about those shonuff times of trouble where you can’t eat, think, or pray…get a GRIP!

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) HEBREWS 10:23

Don’t forget to check out our inspirational books and follow Author Denise Cook Godfrey on Amazon! Click here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Denise-Cook-Godfrey/author/B00B8KDHH4

Unraveling the Knot

“Unraveling the Knot” is a transformative self-help guide, specifically designed to offer guidance, a ray of hope, and support to those seeking to navigate their journey of embracing the Christian message of male and female relationships while concurrently navigating the unique challenges that come with diverse sexual orientations, including lesbianism.

One aspect of this project involves establishing a dedicated panel of women who have successfully navigated the challenges of transitioning from lifestyles such as lesbianism, non-binary, or bi-sexuality to assist those who may currently feel ensnared and powerless in confronting these challenges while seeking to make changes to their sexual orientation choices.

While we hold immense respect for the choices each individual makes regarding their sexual orientation, we recognize that some people may genuinely desire to explore a different path and discontinue their prior choices. It is this specific group of individuals that we aim to support and guide through the journey of “Unraveling the Knot.”

If you or someone you know has triumphed over a non-binary or bi-sexual lifestyle and is interested in participating in our program to assist others, we invite you to reach out to us. Furthermore, if you’re aware of young women who are currently grappling with their sexual orientation and seek someone to confide in, please refer them to Denise Cook-Godfrey at dcookgodfrey@gmail.com.

The Invitation is Still Open

The invitation does not expire. This is what the Lord reminded me of early this past Sunday morning. I had been carrying a burden the entire week prior. As I approached the weekend, the burden would intensify. I had no idea what was going to happen or what was wrong, I just knew what I knew and could not explain it. Well, I continued to pray the Word of God and I prayed using the gift of unknown tongues. The burden would lift, and then it would return. As I left my bedroom and escaped to a different room in my home, I began to worship and pray. This is when the Father spoke to me. He reminded me that the invitation to rest was still available and that it would never expire. The verse that resounded in my heart was Matthew 11:28-29:

28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” NLT

On Tuesday afternoon, I received confirmation as to why I had heaviness. There was something that happened in my family, but thank God, it was not as tragic as it could have been had I not prayed, amid my not knowing. God will always alert us if we would only pay attention. I am also thankful that when we carry burdens of our own and the burdens that others place upon us, we can be assured that Jesus is always there to assist us in carrying heavy loads. He will also help us to rest during the process.

In other news, have you heard about the Christian novels on my Amazon Author Page? Check them out! If you’re not an avid reader, then purchase for someone else. Books make excellent Christmas gifts. Click the link below to check out the latest novel series, “All Churched Out-The Weary Wife of the Pastor”


Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey

Your First Love

We’ve entered into the final quarter of the calendar year. Most are racing and pushing themselves to meet goals. Some are weary in their souls because of losses, disappointments, and other issues they have faced throughout the past months…but in all of our workings and strivings, God reminds us to not forget…we should remember to rest in His presence and never forget our first love. Remembering and resting in Him becomes the fragrant worship that He is seeking.

If you have not already subscribed to our email family, what are you waiting on? There is a subscribe box on this page. You will receive a complimentary ebook. Also, if you love to read inspirational books and novels, please go to the Amason Author page and hit the “follow” button. When becoming a follower of Author Denise Cook-Godfrey, you will receive alerts when new books are released.

Here is the link to the Amazon site https://www.amazon.com/stores/Denise-Cook-Godfrey/author/B00B8KDHH4

Many Blessings to you!

I look forward to chatting next time!

Denise Cook-Godfrey, Minister, Author&Playwright, Liturgical Dance Educator

You are Important to Me

Hello! Whether you are connected to me via preaching and teaching, dance ministry, stage plays, or inspirational books…your love and support means everything! Perhaps you are browsing and have not connected. Please feel free to do so by subscribing to the email list. You will receive a complimentary ebook!
Connections are God’s idea in order for us to fellowship and stir one another to love and good works! (Hebrew 10:25)

feel free to comment and let me know what topics of discussion that you would love to see in future posts. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the inspiration on our book page at Amazon!


Keep Going

Can you believe that it is May already? The year is quickly advancing forward. How are you doing? No, I mean how are you coping with life challenges? When I step back and take a look at the challenges of my life and all of the goals that I still need to accomplish for ministry, it appears to be overwhelming. But… (I love the ‘but’), I have a Word from the LORD that He whispered into my ear and I know that His word does not return to Him void of what He wills to perform in my life. This is encouraging but…(there it is again), we must ensure that we are meeting every condition for each promise that we are claiming.

Stay in the race, my friend. Continue to worship, pray, and study God’s word. Whatever your assignment is, be sure that you are spending quality time working toward that goal, and don’t allow the distractions of the world, the flesh, and the devil to hinder you from your path to destiny.

In other news, I am excited to announce that I am in the writing laboratory yet again! A new novella series is on the horizon which means new work schedules, new ambitions, and new challenges. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to pray for you! Also, don’t forget to visit the Amazon site and order our current series, “All Churched Out”, if you don’t already have it, or any other book that is out there. I’m sure when you browse the site, you will find something that will interest you, oh, and don’t forget to hit the “follow” button underneath my photo on the amazon site.

