Unraveling the Knot

“Unraveling the Knot” is a transformative self-help guide, specifically designed to offer guidance, a ray of hope, and support to those seeking to navigate their journey of embracing the Christian message of male and female relationships while concurrently navigating the unique challenges that come with diverse sexual orientations, including lesbianism.

One aspect of this project involves establishing a dedicated panel of women who have successfully navigated the challenges of transitioning from lifestyles such as lesbianism, non-binary, or bi-sexuality to assist those who may currently feel ensnared and powerless in confronting these challenges while seeking to make changes to their sexual orientation choices.

While we hold immense respect for the choices each individual makes regarding their sexual orientation, we recognize that some people may genuinely desire to explore a different path and discontinue their prior choices. It is this specific group of individuals that we aim to support and guide through the journey of “Unraveling the Knot.”

If you or someone you know has triumphed over a non-binary or bi-sexual lifestyle and is interested in participating in our program to assist others, we invite you to reach out to us. Furthermore, if you’re aware of young women who are currently grappling with their sexual orientation and seek someone to confide in, please refer them to Denise Cook-Godfrey at dcookgodfrey@gmail.com.