A little change is good every now and then right? Whether we’re changing our wardrobe or hair styles to changing the appearance of a room in our homes, it’s natural to feel great about positive changes.
But what about spiritual changes? How do we handle drastic changes that occur without notice? I’m talking about COVID-19 positive results for yourself and several family members, lingering symptoms months after recovery from COVID including hair loss, bereavement due to not one family member but three in a three week timespan, and a health diagnosis regarding two major areas that will call forth challenging lifestyle changes! Life is what I like to refer to as “raw” and as Christians we must be able to adapt to the changing climates and seasons in our path. The list i explain above is not a complaint, but an observation. We all are going through tough times but I believe we must acknowledge our pain and embrace suffering for Christ’s sake as a part of the will of God.
So how do we handle change? There are, I’m sure, multiple answers to this question but what comes to mind for me is this: “and be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Above is a snippet of verse two of Romans chapter twelve. I just want to encourage you from that portion. When sudden and overwhelming changes hit tour life, the result is sudden actions that you must take. So, why not follow after the snippet! We must be sure our minds are being renewed by God’s Word each day so that our pattern of thinking and mindsets are healthy enough to weather each storm in our path. This is not always easy but when we intentionally meditate on God and His Word, we can expect change to occur within all stormy and fierce changes are taking place around us. May I pause here to say that in the midst of all that we personally suffer from season to season, I testify that God has been and always is so recklessly good to me!
Blessings to you and enjoy your week!