Tag Archives: using what God gave you

Using What You Have in Your Hand

In Exodus 4:2, God asked Moses a crucial question. This question came about during the time when God was calling Moses into his purpose of delivering the Children of Israel out of bondage. (See also Exodus chapter 3). Because Moses was afraid, he began to make excuses.

The question God asked Moses was “What is that you have in your hand?”  We know the story. Moses answered, “a rod.”  God went on to assure Moses that He would be with him and also prophetically revealed how the Egyptians would be spoiled or defeated by the Children of Israel. What God wanted me to realize was that sometimes we do not realize the gifts that we already possess.

Be encouraged, your gift will make room for you and bring you into greatness but first you’ve gotta celebrate what you already have.

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey