The State of my Heart Determines the State of my Life!

Wow!  Our God is an awesome God who truly wants us to surrender our hearts to Him.  It does not matter how long we have been saved, we are still to surrender our entire beings to Him daily.  (See Romans 12:1-2)  We are to be like the whole burnt offerings of the Old Testament days.  Jesus has made this possible for us.  Without His death, burial and resurrection, it would not be possible.

How do I ensure that my heart is surrendered to My God?  First, the heart must be purified.  Only the pure in heart shall see God.  (Matthew 5:8).  This verse not only refers to seeing God when we get to heaven but it also means that we are able to see and perceive God’s heart, what He wants to do and say, when we allow our hearts to be purified.  His Spirit rests within our spirits and if there is “junk” there, then we have a serious problem.

At about 4:45 a.m. this morning, I was communing with the Lord in His presence.  I was suddenly awakened from a dream a little after 4 a.m., got up to use the restroom, and then proceeded to pray and seek God.  I had lots of heaviness and things to request of Him and talk with Him about.  After this, I began to just thank, praise and enter into worship.  Before long, God was leading me on a journey backward in order to show me the spiritual blockages that were in my heart.  Things from our past still controls us when we allow bitterness, self centeredness, shame, painful hurts, unforgiveness, rejection, etc to not be dealt with by the Spirit of God.  Just because we believed and became born again does not mean we do not stand in need of deliverance from past issues.  Unresolved issues in the heart makes us to become hindered from experiencing all that God has for us in His presence.  It hinders our worship.  What do we do?  We surrender by asking God for His grace to enable us to go free.  To give up control of it and allow Him to purge all these past heart problems in the fire of the Holy Ghost.  This is a progressive process but it is possible.

Try this today. This is important because the state of your heart determines the state of your life!  More on this topic at a later time.  Take the first step by being honest in the presence of God. He will show you your spiritual blockages.

I love you with the love of Jesus.  If you need prayer, leave a comment or contact me via email at  You may also inbox me on face book at Denise Cook Godfrey.  To sow a love gift to this ministry, you may go to the “donate now” button on right side of the webpage..