Monthly Archives: February 2019

Relationship over Religion

Worshipping in spirit and truth has more to do with a mindset, an attitude and a lifestyle more than external rituals. The reality (truth)of who the Father is causes the deepest part of who I am in Him (my spirit man) to connect!!! The deepest part of me engaging with the deepest part of Him…remember, this is what the Father is seeking! God wants relationship over religion!

The Atmosphere Changes

When I ponder and look back over moments in dance ministry I am amazed at how the wind of the Spirit comes, goes, and shifts in multiple directions. No wonder Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the Holy Spirit’s work cannot be understood on human terms (See John 3:8)

Be sure to prepare your heart as well as your body for dance ministry. Be open to allow the Holy Spirit to move how HE wants! Sometimes we think we have it all figured out. Just trust Him when you feel Him and you see manifestations and when you don’t. Trust Him when it appears that He is moving upon other dancers and not you. Just know that if you are a surrendered vessel, He will use you and will be pleased with your sacrifice no matter what the outcome looks like in the natural! The atmosphere around you will change when you have totally surrendered your entire being into Him.

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Hanging out with God

“Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.”  Exodus 25:8

God still wants to hang out with us! Are you worshipping in spirit and truth?  When I calmly think of the flaming sword and the cherubim that were set up to prevent the man from entering a certain place in the garden of Eden, and the scripture above, it gives me renewed hope that I can walk and live out my desire to come boldly before His throne of grace whenever! See Hebrews 4:14-16, 10:19-23.

Be encouraged and know that you are a welcomed guest in His house!

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

Hey…don’t forget to get your copy of one or more of my books! Visit Amazon author site or order directly from this website!

Praise Dance Mentorship

Peace and Many Blessings!

Mentorship is one of those Biblical principles that is sometimes forgotten, especially in the area of the arts!  Worship dance, praise dance, and interpretive dance can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to mentorship. If you are in a position where you need to stop and receive some guidance for the next phase of your dance ministry, please contact us. We want to partner with you in order to bring wholeness, deliverance, and encouragement to many lives!

Denise Cook-Godfrey