Category Archives: Spiritual Nuggets

The Atmosphere Changes

When I ponder and look back over moments in dance ministry I am amazed at how the wind of the Spirit comes, goes, and shifts in multiple directions. No wonder Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the Holy Spirit’s work cannot be understood on human terms (See John 3:8)

Be sure to prepare your heart as well as your body for dance ministry. Be open to allow the Holy Spirit to move how HE wants! Sometimes we think we have it all figured out. Just trust Him when you feel Him and you see manifestations and when you don’t. Trust Him when it appears that He is moving upon other dancers and not you. Just know that if you are a surrendered vessel, He will use you and will be pleased with your sacrifice no matter what the outcome looks like in the natural! The atmosphere around you will change when you have totally surrendered your entire being into Him.

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Hanging out with God

“Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.”  Exodus 25:8

God still wants to hang out with us! Are you worshipping in spirit and truth?  When I calmly think of the flaming sword and the cherubim that were set up to prevent the man from entering a certain place in the garden of Eden, and the scripture above, it gives me renewed hope that I can walk and live out my desire to come boldly before His throne of grace whenever! See Hebrews 4:14-16, 10:19-23.

Be encouraged and know that you are a welcomed guest in His house!

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

Hey…don’t forget to get your copy of one or more of my books! Visit Amazon author site or order directly from this website!

It’s Our Choice

Hello! As I meditate on where I am, where I’m going, and where i’ve been, I realize that life is all about choices! So where does worship fit into this? As a reminder, I must choose to worship God no matter how I feel or what my circumstances are. Spending time in worship is a decision that I have to make and this decision starts in my soul, where my emotions, mind, and will resides.

So the next time you’re angry, hurt, overwhelmed, etc.,make a decision to push through the natural facts and just worship! There is always something good on the other side of worship!



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When Life Spins out of Control!

Do the circumstances of your life seem to be spinning way out of control?  Chaos, darkness, loss of peace, confusion, etc.?  Well it’s no secret.  Life is filled with overwhelming challenges!  I call it “raw” life!  Take heart though, think of El Elyon (the Most High God).  This is one of the Names of God that comes to mind when I visually see the tidal wave of chaotic things in my life right now.  This Name describes that part of God that is in total control of this universe!  He is the Almighty Creator and nothing or no one can take Him by storm!  God is in control and will perform His word in your life.  Rest in Him!

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey


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A Recipe for Success

This morning upon waking and snoozing and waking again, and dreaming and awakening again, I began to think of all the overwhelming responsibilities and activities on my plate.  Immediately the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts with a portion of this scripture from Proverbs 16:3:

Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.

I soon got out of bed and read this verse over and over and began to declare and decree the success of every plan because I intentionally committed my works to God’s Hand. I also asked that He grace me to know His will and timing.  This is a true recipe for success in all that we are doing and plan to do for the Kingdom of God.  It is easy to get overwhelmed but when we take the time to trust God to keep His word after we have truly given these works over to Him, we can make it.  We do not have to be swamped and overwhelmed.  But how?  This is the famous question that I often ask the Holy Spirit when He tells me something.  I realize that the answer most times is a progressive learning process.  In order for our plans in ministry or any other area to succeed, we have got to cast our cares (worries and anxieties) on the Lord as well as believe that God is working alongside us.  We do this through meditation, prayer, and worship on a daily basis.  We keep our mind renewed so that the activity itself will not drain us and take our joy!

Thanks for reading.  Remember to enjoy your journey.  Roll those works on the Lord and keep your mind free from the clutter of worry, doubt, fear, and any other hindering thoughts from the enemy.


Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey

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Deeper Worship Choreography

It’s here!  The “Deeper Worship Choreography” e-course is ready!  Please contact me via email if you are interested or for more detail about the course.

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The Dance from Heaven




Yesterday I heard tthe Spirit say,  “choreography that originates from heaven and also music that originates ffrom heaven!”  I was in awe!  May we all as praise dancers, worship dancers mime ministries, expressive signers,  etc,  be reminded that we must spend intimate quality time in the presence of our Lord before choosing our choreography and music for the ministry! We must simply ask and invite Holy Spirit into our prep time so that He whispers into our ear what Heaven has spoken ! (John 16:13)


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It’s What’s Right About You!

Stop worrying and wondering what it is about you that causes some people to refuse to connect with you, celebrate you or respect you!  This is what the Lord revealed to me about a year and a half or so ago and today I am having to revisit this word and encourage myself with it.  This word actually came in the form of a post from an Anointed Woman of God.  I know that it was specifically for me because of the timing of it and also the prompt from the Holy Spirit as I read it.  Here it is:

“There is nothing “wrong with you” that causes people to reject you! In fact, it is “what’s right with you” that causes some people not to be able to connect with you! God is covering your purpose and rejection is just a part of your assignment! After all, Jesus was despised and rejected of man; when you truly belong to Him, that is also your lot!—“

You see, just a day or so prior to me reading the Word of the Lord from this Anointed Woman of God, I pondered within my heart..”why?”  Why do some reject me and just don’t like me for no apparent reason?  Why do they look at me hard, exclude me and treat me with contempt?  I even tried back tracking, just to see if I had said or did something offensively toward them…I could find nothing.  I prayed.  I cried.  I cried.  I prayed.  Then God spoke.  I am satisfied knowing that God is shaping my destiny.  God is covering me!  Even though from time to time I still go through bouts of hurt because of this issue, I quickly remind myself that It is not me…it is the enemy of my soul influencing others to reject me.  God is allowing this for my good.

So, if you can relate to this, stop worrying.  As long as you are not offensive to others and doing the will of God, just know that your purpose is covered by Him and you are on the right path to destiny, even though it is hard at times.  Take care and be strong during the seasons of alienation from others.  God is with you!

Denise Cook-Godfrey

Lover of my Soul

I’m satisfied with Jesus….I’m satisfied with Jesus, I’m satisfied with Jesus in my heart…this is a song that I used to hear the older folks sing at church when I was a little girl. They would go on to say…He’s my bread and water when I get hungry and thirsty and so on….I did not understand that song back then. It made no sense to my little creative and logical mind. Now, I know and realize that it is a dangerous thing to not allow Christ Jesus to bring satisfaction into our hearts….If we don’t…we will be prone to wander and run after other lovers! We will search for love in all the wrong places. We will do all we can to fill the void within by attaching our selves to Other gods……..So yes, I love my Spouse and my family but I love them in their rightful place….Jesus has a seat on the throne of my heart…I pray for the grace to keep it that way!

For the past week I have been seriously taking a look at my inner life.  My soul.  My thoughts.  My cravings.  My desires.  I invite you to do the same thing.  Spend those extra moments with the Lord and ask Him to show you YOU!  Examine your own thoughts and see how much is junk and how much is Godly and productive.  Pray and fast.  Seek change through entering into the presence of the Almighty God.  Let Him satisfy every void place and wait for Him to fulfill every promise to you.

Denise Cook-Godfrey

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Speak to the Darkness!

Sometimes it appears that our life becomes cluttered and filled with darkness and chaos.  Not talking about the issues in the world, but the issues within our own little worlds!  This is not uncommon. We are tempted, tried, squeezed, knocked on, kicked around, you name it.  Jesus said in this world we would have tribulation, but be of good cheer for He has overcome the world (John 16:33).  With all that we have going on plus living in this world and not being of it, there is no wonder we can get into a place of chaos!  This chaos and darkness can influence and affect our soul’s well being.  What are we to do?  We are to speak life and light into every dark corner and order to every chaotic event. This is easier said than done sometimes but we have been given the grace to do it.  Simply ask and trust!  God knows all about this.  When He said “let there be light” in the book of beginnings (Genesis), the earth was dark and without form!  (dark and chaotic).  But guess what???   There WAS LIGHT when HE SPOKE IT!  We too, through Christ, have the authority to speak light and life!  Speak to your darkness and chaos today and live in victory!


Thanks for your support of Worshipful Ministries. Please prayerfully consider donating to the ministry.  We do online prayer ministry, praise dance workshops, write and direct gospel stage plays, and publish inspirational books.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated!  Donate today by using the “donate” button on the right hand of the page.  Many blessings to you!