Tag Archives: love of God

The Pain of Rejection

It’s true. The last couple of years has taught me many lessons. One of those lessons is the reality that pain exists in every phase of life. This pain comes with frequency and intensity. Just like labor pains!

One such pain is the pain of rejection. My morning has been filled with prayers for those suffering from the pain of rejection. This pain filters through triggering events and evil voices that speak: “You’re not good enough”, “You’re washed up”, ‘You have no value”, “I do not love you”, and so on. I have dealt with this for many years in my life without really realizing it Believe it or not, it is easy to suppress pain until you are backed in a corner and can no longer hide.

There is an evil spirit employed by satan to cripple, suffocate, and render helpless the person who is the victim of rejection. We must be vigilant and prayerful with this one because of the effect it has on our destiny! One thing I have learned by experience is that we have got to train and re-train the mind to accept the love of God. It’s simple but not so simple. When we suffer rejection from loved ones, whether blood relatives or those who may not be blood but are people we thought loved us and had our backs, it is difficult to accept and get over. I said difficult. Not impossible. With God all things are possible. (Luke 1:37, Genesis 18:!4)

One horrific thing about this spirit is that it creeps in when you are vulnerable and can invade a person’s life in different ways through different scenarios. Such as a teen mother who contemplates abortion but is too far along or is afraid to go along with it. The spirit of rejection passes to the child and that child ends up growing up and suffering from rejection unaware, a divorce, infidelity in a relationship, being passed over for a promotion at work, betrayal by someone who you thought was a devoted friend, family members showing favoritism and not being supportive, etc. The evil spirit takes these triggering events and feeds off of them.

If you are suffering from the influence of the spirit of rejection, take steps to receive soul healing today. Admit that you are hurting. Renew your mind by scriptures that speak to the love that God has for you. Talk to someone. Pray and push through even when it hurts and you do not feel your breakthrough. I promise you will be delivered through the grace and power of God!

I’m rooting for you! You are always in my prayers. (Colossians 4:2)

*Announcement:  It is still time to register for the “A Time to Dance” virtual course! We have enrollees already and I am excited about what God intends to do! Click the link below if you are interested!


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Are You in Desert Places?

The Lord just spoke a word in season to my spirit and I would like to share it.  “There are some who have been lured into the desert by God Himself and these people are unaware.  They feel deserted, forsaken, and even believe that it is the devil. But I have allowed this season in order to speak comfort and to be gracious to you.”

Are you in such a place as this?  If so, just know that God has not forsaken you in that place where He has allowed you to be.  There is a purpose for the wilderness and desert experiences of our life.  Read this passage:

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.”  ISAIAH 41:18

“”Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.”  HOSEA 2:14

Now the purpose for the desert season is so that others can see the miracles of God’s river being poured out into your life and understand that it is the Lord and nobody but the Lord that brought you out!  So this season is for your growth and character development and for others to witness it also and know who God is!

Blessings to you.  Stay encouraged!
