Tag Archives: my times

Do you know your “Times?”

Last night as I sat on our bed after an exhausting day, I looked into my  husband’s face and poured my heart out!  I told him that I just wanted to know my “times”.  I was in one of those modes where I was feeling unaccomplished, although I was working and doing all sorts of things!  What I meant was that I understand who I am in Christ, I just wanted to understand the specifics of my purpose right now and who God intended for me to grow to become! I do not want to engage in dead works for the Lord!  Life as a Minister has a way of sometimes draining an individual.  I thank God that He heard my heart’s desire.  See although my husband sort of nodded and agreed that I needed to understand my “times”, he never really expounded on an answer.  Well, the very next morning, I stumbled across Isaiah 30:20:  And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:

Wow was all that I could say!  God does answer our hearts cry.  The Lord was simply letting me know that He has sent and will continue to send “teachers” my way to teach me through my experiences.  These “teachers” will show me and remind me which doors to go in, what my path is, and so on.  Sometimes these teaching experiences will be difficult but if I am willing to grow and learn, I will know day by day just what specific paths to take and where I am now and what my goals are for the future.

Have you been in a place where you felt overwhelmed and unsure of your destiny and purpose right now?  Perhaps you knew what the future held but you needed advice and assurance along the way?  Pray and ask that you receive wisdom to recognize your “teachers”.  Our “teachers” may come in the form of other people’s advice, other people’s failures, our own experiences, and even our own creative ability to teach others and support where they are going!  I never dreamed that I could learn so much from being used by God to support someone else’s destiny!

Take heart.  Just know that God is with you and that your “teachers” will no longer be hid from you in some dark corner when you seek the Lord and search for Him with all your might.  He reveals His heart and His plans for our lives through “teachers”.

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

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