Tag Archives: restoration

A Time to Rest

Rest, restoration, and replenishment.  These are 3 very important words that another worshiper had to call my attention to just recently.  Just because we are anointed and have lots of responsibilities, does not mean that there will not come a time when we need some serious “stepping aside and resting” moments.  Even Jesus in His humanity as Son of Man had times when He had to take a break.  I have personally endured some serious attacks from the adversary recently, not to mention the normal stressful issues of life that I was already undergoing.  I began to feel the results of the pressure and tight squeezes in my soul, body, and even in my spirit.  My focus has been affected, my heart bruised and heavy, and I even began to feel sick physically!  I have a long list of attacks that really are too numerous to describe to you in this short article, I am talking about real, satanic attacks, BUT………God is so faithful.  I trust Him.

Well, I will take the advice of my dear Sister . My husband and I are planning a get-a-way really soon so that we can rejuvenate, refocus, and just rest from the hard pressing issues of the ministry and just life in general.  I don’t want to get burned out.  As my spiritual friend told me:  “You cannot be of help to anyone with your tank half full”.  Read the passage below and remember that at times, we all need to step back and just rest!!!

To a Desolate Place

Mark 6:30-32
30  The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. 31 And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. 32  And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves.

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Wasted on Him in worship or just wasted?

Sometime the demands of ministry, family, secular jobs, and just the pressures of life will drain us.  Even serving in ministry, whether pulpit, helps, intercesory prayer, whatever, can lead to lots of wear and tear on our intimacy with our Heavenly Father!  This can leave us weary, frustrated, and so overwhelmed until we are not as productive to the Kingdom of God as we need and desire to be.  Instead of being wasted in worship in the presence of God, we are just wasted!  I am reminded of this reality this very night as I write to encourage myself and you.  “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, into Your presence I come!”  Sometimes we need to run away from people, situations, even ministry work!  Okay, I did not say quit or not be concerned about the lost or about the bible study you are preparing for, etc.  I am talking about isolating yourself in order to spend quality time with the Lord and also getting physical rest as well.  Our greatest example Himself had to do this.  Why should we think that we don’t need to follow His pattern?  Read below:

Mark 1:35:   Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

Luke 5: 15-16:  But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.

See, Jesus in His humanity (Son of Man) knew the importance of resting and spending isolated time alone with His Father.  Do you and I understand the importance of this as well?  I understand it, but often have to be reminded!  Holy Spirit, continue to reveal the heart of the Father to us and lead us closer into Father’s arms so that we can rest and spend those isolated hours in prayer in order to be re-fueled for ministry!  We want to bond with You and give you what You are seeking:  and that is WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!  In Jesus’ Name…..So be it.

God bless you

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

For more inspiration, visit the author site for information on books written by Denise Cook Godfrey.  www.amazon.com/author/denisecookgodfrey
