
Being and not doing.

I used to be afraid to dream and even more afraid to verbalize the dreams of my heart. When you dream God’s dreams that He gave you to dream, then you are more determined to press your way through seasons of difficulty. You press not based on what seems easy or impossible, because you have learned by experience that God is the God of the impossible.

37 For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. LUKE 1:37, AMPC

So I challenge you today to seek God for His preferred will for your life and dream…dream BIG! Acknowledge God in all of your ways and let Him lead you down each pathway. This week God gave me an Ephesians 3:20 blessing. For the first time ever, one of my books made it to the number-one spot on Amazon’s best-seller list! I am now a best-selling author and I glorify God! This is one of my dreams but I never expected it to come to pass this quickly. Praise God!

You too can see the manifestation of dreams coming to pass in your life. I am rooting for you! Have a blessed weekend.

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey


What are you expecting in the new calendar year of 2023? To be honest, I do not have any specific words of prophecy for 2023 other than words uttered during a previous season but…today as I proceeded to clean my home, I noticed all types of old items that were stuck in corners, drawers, and other areas of my home. Items like homemade birthday cards from past dance mentees, compact disks, and other stuff. Some of these items were keepsakes and some were not. I wondered why I continued to hold on to these things. Suddenly the Spirit of God spoke to my heart and prompted me with this word…”If you let them go, I will give you something new. I cannot release the new things that I have on reserve for you until you are willing to let these things go.”

Whew! I had to pause for a praise break. Truth is…I was afraid to let go of some of the stuff for fear that I may need it in the future, but after God dealt with me, I was able to trash a lot of things.

Does any of this spark you to consider letting go of something in order to gain something better? Pray about it.

Hey, don’t forget to check out my new 3-Book Novella Series for 2023! All 3 books are currently on the Amazon Best Seller List for African American Christian Fiction. I am praying for each reader that the themes covered throughout the series will be a blessing to your lives! You can find the series in the link below:


Read more: New!
Denise Cook-Godfrey-Minister, Author, Play-Wright, Liturgical Dance Instructor

Ever Felt Like Hiding?

Ever felt like running and hiding from trials? I have. But…there is a wonderful promise in the Word of God that encourages us to tuck ourselves in a place of shelter during every calamity that we face. 

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. Psalms 57:1 ESV

View the dance clip below. I ministered this piece at a Grief Share Day and it blessed many people. I hope that it does the same for you.


You Are the Perfect Candidate


Why? Because God has something sunny and bright on the other side of your storm. Keep your focus.  Never let your guard down in this season. It is always the darkest right before dawn.

Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.  Ephesians 6:13

Min. Denise Cook-Godfrey

Are You Okay?

Be sure that you are still before the Lord’s presence today. Take quiet moments to reflect and meditate on the Word of God. 

Hey! In other news, there is a new Christian Novel on the horizon…so exciting. Email me if you would like to take advantage of our advanced reader program. It should be lots of fun!

Email:  dcookgodfrey@gmail.com

Weaned from Dependencies

When a baby is finally weaned from breast milk, the baby has to learn to depend on solid food for nourishment, strength, and health. This is a natural fact that we can look to in order to understand how to fully trust God. God wants us to progress in our faith and trust in Him. Learning to lean on, cling to, and step firmly into the promises of God and live in serenity is possible through trusting and depending on God’s word.

Let’s examine our hearts today…let’s be sure that we are learning to lean on God in everything we think, choose, and decide. Let’s wean ourselves from dependencies on the world and people and let’s practice by faith keeping the word of God closer than the security of the world.

“In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.-Proverbs 16:9

*Have you gotten my new release yet? So many have already enjoyed and received encouragement from “When A Man is Fed Up: Unlocking the Soul of a Few Good Men”. Get your copy from the link below.


The Pain of Rejection

It’s true. The last couple of years has taught me many lessons. One of those lessons is the reality that pain exists in every phase of life. This pain comes with frequency and intensity. Just like labor pains!

One such pain is the pain of rejection. My morning has been filled with prayers for those suffering from the pain of rejection. This pain filters through triggering events and evil voices that speak: “You’re not good enough”, “You’re washed up”, ‘You have no value”, “I do not love you”, and so on. I have dealt with this for many years in my life without really realizing it Believe it or not, it is easy to suppress pain until you are backed in a corner and can no longer hide.

There is an evil spirit employed by satan to cripple, suffocate, and render helpless the person who is the victim of rejection. We must be vigilant and prayerful with this one because of the effect it has on our destiny! One thing I have learned by experience is that we have got to train and re-train the mind to accept the love of God. It’s simple but not so simple. When we suffer rejection from loved ones, whether blood relatives or those who may not be blood but are people we thought loved us and had our backs, it is difficult to accept and get over. I said difficult. Not impossible. With God all things are possible. (Luke 1:37, Genesis 18:!4)

One horrific thing about this spirit is that it creeps in when you are vulnerable and can invade a person’s life in different ways through different scenarios. Such as a teen mother who contemplates abortion but is too far along or is afraid to go along with it. The spirit of rejection passes to the child and that child ends up growing up and suffering from rejection unaware, a divorce, infidelity in a relationship, being passed over for a promotion at work, betrayal by someone who you thought was a devoted friend, family members showing favoritism and not being supportive, etc. The evil spirit takes these triggering events and feeds off of them.

If you are suffering from the influence of the spirit of rejection, take steps to receive soul healing today. Admit that you are hurting. Renew your mind by scriptures that speak to the love that God has for you. Talk to someone. Pray and push through even when it hurts and you do not feel your breakthrough. I promise you will be delivered through the grace and power of God!

I’m rooting for you! You are always in my prayers. (Colossians 4:2)

*Announcement:  It is still time to register for the “A Time to Dance” virtual course! We have enrollees already and I am excited about what God intends to do! Click the link below if you are interested!


Min D

Lord, Give Me a Mind to Work

This morning as I was in prayer and meditation, I heard a word through a snippet of a verse that I had not read in a while. The verse was Nehemiah 4:6 relative to having a mind to work.

So built we the wall, and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6 KJV

God was simply instructing me on how to pray regarding all of the ministry assignments that I have pending. I began to pray for a mind to complete what needed to be completed and that it would be done for His glory. I also asked that He would light a fire in my spirit so that I have the enthusiasm for the work.

What are you attempting to accomplish during the summer months? Is it a book, a home project, a task at work, something for your business, etc.? Regardless of what God has placed on your to-do list, you need the same spirit of enthusiasm that the Jews had when they finally completed the wall. They completed the work despite opposition. I believe we can do the same but we’ve got to have a mind to work. A mind to work is an enthusiastic mind that prioritizes God’s glory and purposes.

I’m praying for you. I pray that you complete all your assignments this summer with an enthusiastic mindset. I pray that if the fire has gone out, that God will light your fire and passion once again.

Blessings and Love,


Special Announcement!  My next book entitled, “Let’s Go Back to Church-For God is in Her Midst” will be available on Amazon in a few weeks!  We are excited about it and pray that you will check it out.

Using What You Have in Your Hand

In Exodus 4:2, God asked Moses a crucial question. This question came about during the time when God was calling Moses into his purpose of delivering the Children of Israel out of bondage. (See also Exodus chapter 3). Because Moses was afraid, he began to make excuses.

The question God asked Moses was “What is that you have in your hand?”  We know the story. Moses answered, “a rod.”  God went on to assure Moses that He would be with him and also prophetically revealed how the Egyptians would be spoiled or defeated by the Children of Israel. What God wanted me to realize was that sometimes we do not realize the gifts that we already possess.

Be encouraged, your gift will make room for you and bring you into greatness but first you’ve gotta celebrate what you already have.

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey