Category Archives: Uncategorized

Just When I thought I Died!

Just when I thought I died on the altar yesterday or last week………oooops, there she goes again! She thinks she will overrule, she thinks she is the leader.  She sometimes even gets her way but I declare she must die!  Who is the “she” that I am referring to?  She is my flesh!  She rises up and wants to rule.  That is all she knows, but I declare as the Apostle Paul declared, “I DIE DAILY!”  ( I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. –I Corinthians 15:31)

Dying to self is something that we must do each day.  We must present ourselves to our Lord as living sacrifices, so therefore the flesh must die, our own self will must die in order that His will be done in every area of our lives.  So you see we are living dead men/women!  The sacrifices of the Old Testament required death of the animals.  The sacrifice required of us requires death of our flesh.  We offer spiritual sacrifices unto our God with our praise and also our lifestyle.

Let’s encourage one another to live the Holy lifestyle that God is requiring.  It is a fight!  We must prepare to die daily.  Yes, a slow painful death it is at times but it is well worth it!  Lets keep putting a smile on our Lord’s Face!  So God, if you provide the fire……..I will be the sacrifice.

Blessings to you!

Minister Denise Godfrey


Lets Get Deep!

“Come, let me tell you something.  I want you to get into a deeper circle with Jesus as you pray for me.”  This is the request that I received from my 91 year old Mother-in-Law some two or three months ago.  You see, I was leading the altar worship prayer from the pulpit one Sunday morning and I prayed for my Pastor, my Asst. Pastor and my First Lady, along with other issues and areas that I felt compelled to pray for during my time of intercession.  At the end of the service, this 91 year old Holy Ghost filled-Seer/Prophetess, called me to the side, took me by the hand, and made this request of me.  It was something about the way our eyes connected with one another as she poured out.

Since then, I have been doing exactly what she requested.  Just this past weekend, God overwhelmed me and left me speechless as He blessed me to minister in dance at a program.  See, for the last 6 weeks, I have been suffering with an illness that not too many may have known about.  The illness affected my ability to dance.  The enemy wanted me to think that I was over and washed up!  In my deeper circle that I have started to form with the Lord, I was able to press past the doctor’s reports and people’s reports (you know folks that don’t have doctor degrees will also try to give you a diagnosis about your condition if you listen), and I was able to dance under an open heaven!  The reports and manifestations from the ministry were phenominal!  All I could say was “God, You done did it again!  You have completely blown me away and swept me off my feet yet again!”

Let me encourage you to stay in the race but go deeper!  Go deeper in your passion for God!  Spend extra sacrificial time with Him alone.  Pray for your needs and other needs last or at another time, but spend intimacy time with Him first and be CONSISTENT!!!  I capitalize this because I need to remember to do this!  Just wanted to encourage you with this testimony.

*P.S.-  My husband and I will be celebrating His Asst Pastor Appreciation Day on September 27, 2015 at 2:30 pm at our church location (212 East 5th Street, Sylacauga, AL 35150).  If you are unable to attend, please send up prayers asking the Spirit to do something unusual on a totally deeper dimension!  If you would like to donate to this ministry, you can do so at our website at via the “donate” button on the side of screen.

Love ya!  Blessings to you!


Get up and Get It!

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life”.

Wow!  The best time to get a nugget from the Lord is first thing in the morning.  That first thing, those first-fruits I have found to be so inspiring and refreshing!  Yes, even before the first cup of coffee, that morning walk, or even before engaging in conversation with my spouse, I love to have intimacy with the Lord!  The realities of life in general and human limitations may prohibit this sometimes, but the times I am able to “get up and get it in”, have always shown to be rewarding and life changing!  The passage above shows us that the morning has a way of bringing us something awesome.  We have the opportunity to get our instructions for the day!  Are you trusting God with every area of your life?  This is my prayer today that I constantly hunger for the Manna (BREAD FROM HEAVEN) each day of my life!

Blessings to you!

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey

***If you are a praise dancer, don’t forget about the “Deeper Choreography E-Course starting in September!  Email or FaceBook me for more detail.flyer

I’m In It to Win!

When you have spent days, weeks, even months fighting the enemy because he has attacked your very identity, self worth, and even the peace in your very soul, scriptures like Philippians 1:6 becomes very alive and precious to you!  Oh yes, the Holy Spirit quickened this word in me just now because I have been fighting a battle for the last several weeks and it has not been easy, but……..”I am confident of this very thing,,,,,,He who has begun a good work in me shall perform it until the day of Christ!”  (Philippians 1:6).  God will do also the same for you!  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  So the next time you find yourself struggling and battling, know that you are in it to win it!  Commit your works, desires, dreams, your everything to Him and I declare that He is able to keep it and you!

Just a nugget to help boost your long holiday weekend.  Hope you have a very relaxing and safe Memorial Day weekend.  Remember, I love you with the love of Jesus and am praying for you, but know that God loves you even more.

Have you heard about the upcoming gospel stage play that we are ministering on July 12th at our ministry location in Sylacauga, Alabama?  Will you please remember us in your prayers?  We want this ministry event to be life changing.  It deals with family issues and emotional baggage that hinders our purpose and destiny.

She Chose the Hotdogs!

Our Lord wants to speak to us and through us in the ordinary course of a day! The title of this blog message may sound bizarre; however, being the creative writer that God gave me the ability to be, I could not help it! (SMILE!!!)

It started out on a lazy Saturday afternoon after taking advantage of the time to take a simple nap! My body was extremely tired after getting up at 5:30 a.m. to go out and assist with a yard sale for my granddaughter’s community dance team. All I wanted was rest. I did not want to do anything else. After waking up, I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner. He stated that my granddaughter and I should just choose because he would eat whatever. Relieved, I asked my granddaughter to choose between KFC Chicken or hot dogs. She chose the hot dogs (which I was a little disappointed because this meant running to the grocery store to buy them along with other items needed! Had she chosen KFC, all I would need to do is go to the drive through.)

Anyway, I decided to run to the near by Piggly Wiggly so that I could run in and out and get back home in hope to be able to prepare the hot dogs and baked beans quickly and get back to relaxation. But you know how it is on a Saturday afternoon in the grocery store. In the small town where I live, you run into everyone and their “Mama” so to speak. So I did my “hello, how are you?” greeting with a big smile to everyone I came into contact with, very quickly moving from isle to isle. Just when I finally gather all items and is making my way to the check out counter, I spot a woman who I had not seen in many years. This was a woman that I had met when I was in my twenties at a former bank that I worked for. She was a very kind woman who always took time to chat with me as I waited on her as a bank teller. She encouraged me and always showed interest in me and expressed how she was proud of me! Now, there she was in the store, but I did not go to her to speak to her. You see, I saw her, but she did not see me so, being in a hurry but also being in the mood of simply being “tired and not wanting to be bothered”, I hurriedly whipped my shopping cart in the shortest line I could get in. Now to my surprise, the woman that I just “dodged”, is right behind me in line. As I turned to place my items on the counter for scanning, she recognized me and we greeted each other. I asked how she was doing and she began to complain about a health condition. We did small talk for a brief moment and she had mentioned that it had been so long since we saw each other but she stated that she had saw me from time to time in the newspaper due to ministry engagements. She then went on to ask me to keep her in my prayers. Now I knew she meant for me to remember her in my prayers but the Spirit of God led me to stretch forth my hand and let her know that I surely would pray for her right here and right now! Now when she saw my outstretched arm, as I stood behind my cart and she stood behind her cart, our finger tips barely touched but I began to pray out loud asking God to touch her in her body and in her soul and to make her every bit whole! Well, this woman was desperate as she stretched her hand out to my hand and since the carts were in our way and the isle was narrow, it caused us both to press and reach with force. As I began to sense virtue and an anointing at the very moment, we both began to praise and thank God right there on the spot! The glory of he Lord was upon us both. I am not sure what the people around us thought nor did I even allow it to distract the moment!

Now, what did I learn from this experience as I walked out of the local Piggly Wiggly with tears in my eyes? I was reminded that I have a river inside of me that flows out of me to reach others. (John 7:38—He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water). I was reminded that Jesus, in His humanity as He walked this earth, was often tired when crowds of people reached out to Him for healing and deliverance, yet He still gave them what they needed. I was reminded that God is in control and when my granddaughter chose the hotdogs, there was a spiritual purpose even for that! Had she not chose the hot dogs, I would not have been in Piggly Wiggly at that time. Had I not been in Piggly Wiggly, I would not have had the opportunity to minister to this dear sweet woman. Now, God used me in spite of my weaknesses! See I was too tired to even acknowledge this woman at the first so I “dodged” her but God saw fit to look beyond that and allow us to communicate anyway. I am humbled by this experience. I thank God that rather than just telling this woman that I would remember her in my prayers in the future, that I went ahead and obeyed His prompting and prayed right there at that moment in a grocery store, unashamed, with my hot dogs in my shopping cart! God is amazing!

I pray that this article has inspired you to continue to get closer and closer to our Lord through intimate worship and obedience to His promptings!


Thoughts From a Deep Cave!

Have you ever found yourself as if you were boxed in or perhaps stuck in a cave due to life’s circumstances and calamities?  I believe we all have at some point or another in this Christian walk.  I am actually in a place like that right now.  The Lord has pointed out to me that it is our soul that actually takes the hardest “licks” and “blows” during these times.  The soul is where our logic, reasoning, emotions, and wills are.  Our spirit is so willing, but the flesh is so weak.  We must protect our soul by allowing it to take refuge and find its home in the shelter of the presence of God through worship.  I am not saying that we deny our circumstances because it is what it is!  The thing we have got to remember is that we must renew the mind by allowing the word of God to replace the negative, fearful, doubting thoughts.  Set your thoughts and even your imagination on the Word of the Lord and you will make quiet that loud noise of those circumstances.  Listen to David from Psalms 57:1:(AMP)

“Be merciful, and gracious to me, Oh God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You; yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed.”

Until the next post, be confident in the Lord and rest in His manifested presence during your trials and during any other time in your life.  If this seems difficult, keep trying with a sincere heart.  Use worshipful music, promising scriptures, and turn your attention to the needs of others.  Do this in faith and WATCH GOD MOVE!

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

dance pic in red

Are You “Casting” ALL Your Worries on Jesus?

DCIM100MEDIAHello!  Wow, it has been a “minute” since I have blogged; however, this morning, I am taking the time to let everyone know that we have a serious command from the Lord to NOT give in to the anxieties and pressures of our lives.  You, know I have never looked at it from this angle before:  If I don’t “cast” ALL my worries and anxieties on Him, then I am into pride.  Yep, you heard it right.  I was shocked to gain this revelation.  So to hold on to worries and fears is a sin.  God is merciful and understands that we are human; however, He wants us to progressively come to know Him in such an intimate way until we automatically pray instead of worry.

How do I do it Lord?  How do I really cast all my cares upon You according to I Peter 5:7?  I asked the Lord this out of sincerity and honesty because I do not think that I have been doing it correctly.  You see, Father God pointed out to me that I have been taking SOME of my cares to Him and leaving them but a few of them, I have been holding on to and trying to deal with on my own!  As I said, I was shocked.

My advice:  You have got to connect with our Lord in that secret place and know that He is able to be touched by the feelings of all our infirmities (Hebrews 4:14-16).  This means that Jesus feels too!!!  As a Man on the earth, He felt emotion, pain, anxiety, stress, etc.  He is now at the right hand of the Father and He intercedes for us. This is why we can come in prayer with boldness.  Not because of who we are on our own, but because of Jesus.

In 1 PETER 5:7, “casting all your anxiety on Him,” helps us to see that we really do not have any other choice but to trust God or worry.  Anxiety is a really the opposite of peace and humility, which causes us to lean solely on God!  When I was depending on self to handle my issues, I was depending on self and failing to trust God. God cares for us more than we know.  We are not to submit to circumstances, but to the Lord Who controls circumstances.

Minister Denise Cook-Godfrey

For information on books by Minister Denise, go to

To support Worshipful Ministries, use the “donate” button on side of page.

God bless you!


Giving Him a Gift of Dance this Christmas!

What can I give to You my Wonderful King?  Well, really, the best gift to give to Him this Christmas is a heart that is full of worship.  He wants our affection first and foremost.  I will have to admit though, that there are times when there are specific areas of our life that He is after as well.  The Lord taught me this one day when I was super busy, creating choreography for one or maybe even two dances for my youth church dance ministry.  Right in the middle of the busiest moment, I could hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking in my ear:  “Will you choreograph one for Me?”  Now you can imagine my astonishment.  All the work and the effort I was placing into the dances was fine but He was drawing me to His heart and reminding me not to forget to choreograph a love dance for an audience of ONE.  That audience is Him!  So if you are a praise and worship dancer, don’t forget to give Him a gift of dance this year.  Create a special love dance just for Him and please Him first and your musicals and Christmas dances and skits will go well.  He will bless you all the more to serve and give to others this season.  If you are not a dancer, think about what you serve best.  What area of your service to the Most High God claims most of your attention?  Give back to God and He will make all your plans to succeed.  Remember, the sacrifices of God are a broken and a contrite heart and spirit.  God will not despise these.  So we need those times with Him where we really are not doing anything at all except just simply being with Him.  I believe that when I continually dance before Him in worship, when the music stops, we will just have that quiet intimate time together where I will bond even closer and begin to know Him more and more.  Now this is the best Christmas present that I can give or obtain.  Awesome!

Alabaster Box Dance in link below: