Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Aint Nobody Mad but the Devil”

Well, I’d like to start this blog article by saying that there is never a dull moment when you are serious about your beliefs in the Prophetic Word of God!  God is always speaking.  Most of the time, we are just not listening or we are listening but as soon as the Prophetic Word goes under attack, we become discouraged and forget it.  This is what happened to the Egyptian Woman by the name of Hagar.  God spoke to her when she was at her lowest point and foretold to her the future of her soon to be born son.  When things got really bad again for her, she went into the desert and prepared herself for the death of her son.  (See Genesis 16:7-16 and 21:14-21)

So, the sum of what I am dropping these few lines are is this:  just because after you hear and receive an awesome Prophetic Word from the Lord the exact opposite happens, don’t get discouraged and lose hope.  This does not mean that God did not say it, it just means that the devil is mad!!!  Yes!  He is so mad until he is forming weapons against you.  I know this first hand.  I am in a situation right now where I have received a Rhema (A Prophetic uttered Word out of the written Word), and I had so much joy and began to activate that word.  I began to own it for myself.  Oh, but guess what?  The exact opposite started to manifest.  Something tragic and negative began to happen in my family.  The devil began to taunt at me and tell me not to even believe but I fought that liar and I am still presently standing on God’s spoken word to me.

So, if you have received a word from the Lord and it appears that all is going wrong or the exact opposite is happening, remember, it does not mean that God did not say it…… just means that He did say it and it made the devil mad.  “AINT NOBODY MAD BUT THE DEVIL!”  Fight that liar with the true Word of God. So, what do you do with the already formed weapons?  Look at it for what it is and just know that it could have been worse.  Know that God’s Hand is more powerful than any demon spirit.  Continue to pray.  Continue to worship.  Do what you can about the situation in the natural and for God’s sake, do not utter words to God while you are discouraged and upset.  Calm down, encourage your own self in the Lord and then go back to God and ask Him for direction while you wait on Him.  Declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper!  We can do this my friend, we can do this because of who we belong to.

If this word has blessed you, please take the time to post a comment.  Also, if you feel led of the Lord to support this ministry financially, please do so!  (SEE THE DONATE BUTTON ON SIDE OF PAGE)  God has caused this to be good ground!  May God bless and keep you as you walk with Him.


Tarot Card Reading and Horoscopes: Is God ok with these???

The answer to the question in the heading is “no”. The answer does not come from me, but from the scriptures, that are “God-breathed”. (II Timothy 3:16-All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:).


Even if you are engaging in tarot card reading and horoscopes for “fun”, you are still opening the doorway to serious demonic attack and influence and this is also very displeasing to God. God forbids these types of practices. These demonic activities have been going on for a very long time and even though you will not find the words “tarot cards” in the bible, you will definitely find the concept and practice of it there. People who are able to give you information in this manner are gaining it illegally and by demonic powers! If you know that you are saved and covered by the Blood of Jesus, you do not have to be afraid of such people. The devil wants people to fear these types of things, but the greater one lives on the inside of us, if we have given our hearts to Jesus! Let us explore what God has to say about these practices:
Leviticus 20:27 says clearly, “a man or a woman who is a medium or spiritist must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own head.” Equally emphatic is Deuteronomy 18:10-11: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices a son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.”

Lest we think these texts are just examples of Old Testament stringency that we do not find in the New Testament, Paul condemns idolatry and sorcery or witchcraft, saying in Galatians 5:20 that no one who practices such things will inherit the Kingdom of God. Equally clear is Acts 19:19, in which Greeks who had practiced sorcery publicly burned their spell books and scrolls containing magical incantations, frightened by the evidence of the power of Jesus they saw in Paul and others.
But what about astrology? Reading your daily horoscope is miles apart from true astrology. Consulting the stars to learn something about your fate or about the future has been going on almost as long as recorded human history. The basic notion that undergirds it is that somehow important future events are revealed in the stars, or that the heavenly patterns which existed on a person’s birth date help determine their fortune, fate, character and personality traits. The ancients believed the stars revealed the divine will because they also believed the stars were themselves beings–the heavenly hosts, angels, and the like. They did not view stars as inanimate matter in the sky that somehow controls earthly relationships or events. Ancient astrologers were polytheists who believed that some of the beings they worshipped could be seen in the sky at night, and so could be studied, and the will of the gods could be discerned.

So, just reading the above information tells me that a true born-again Christian should never consult a medium, witch, palm reader, tarot card reader, or the daily horoscope in order to gain information or wisdom. The bible says that when we want wisdom, we should ask of God. (James 1:5) The bible also states in Jeremiah 29:11, that God knows the plans that He has for us! When we contact another source, we are making that source our god. It is not just clean fun either. When you “dibble and dabble” in the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, and the like, you are opening yourself up to demonic attack and you also open your family up to it as well!
Please, let us gain our own personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ and then we can pray and seek after Him, and He will give us revelation, knowledge, wisdom, and all that we need for life and Godliness. IF YOU TRULY DO NOT KNOW JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD and the one that SAVES YOU, Pray a prayer of forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your heart and life. Talk to Him like you would to any person. He listens. Invite Him into your heart and life and confess Him openly as Lord. If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that through Him you can have the gift of salvation, then you can have just that! You MUST MAKE THE CHOICE! If you need help receiving salvation or has questions, please direct them to Minister Denise Cook Godfrey at or you may contact me via my facebook inbox. You may also leave a comment on this web page.  Better yet, leave your name and email address in order to receive periodic spiritual nuggets that I know will bless you.  If you have just made a decision to become a Christian through reading this article then please let me hear from you! I would love to celebrate your new life and offer you some reading material for assistance. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Wasted on Him in worship or just wasted?

Sometime the demands of ministry, family, secular jobs, and just the pressures of life will drain us.  Even serving in ministry, whether pulpit, helps, intercesory prayer, whatever, can lead to lots of wear and tear on our intimacy with our Heavenly Father!  This can leave us weary, frustrated, and so overwhelmed until we are not as productive to the Kingdom of God as we need and desire to be.  Instead of being wasted in worship in the presence of God, we are just wasted!  I am reminded of this reality this very night as I write to encourage myself and you.  “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, into Your presence I come!”  Sometimes we need to run away from people, situations, even ministry work!  Okay, I did not say quit or not be concerned about the lost or about the bible study you are preparing for, etc.  I am talking about isolating yourself in order to spend quality time with the Lord and also getting physical rest as well.  Our greatest example Himself had to do this.  Why should we think that we don’t need to follow His pattern?  Read below:

Mark 1:35:   Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

Luke 5: 15-16:  But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.

See, Jesus in His humanity (Son of Man) knew the importance of resting and spending isolated time alone with His Father.  Do you and I understand the importance of this as well?  I understand it, but often have to be reminded!  Holy Spirit, continue to reveal the heart of the Father to us and lead us closer into Father’s arms so that we can rest and spend those isolated hours in prayer in order to be re-fueled for ministry!  We want to bond with You and give you what You are seeking:  and that is WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!  In Jesus’ Name…..So be it.

God bless you

Minister Denise Cook Godfrey

For more inspiration, visit the author site for information on books written by Denise Cook Godfrey.




Deeper Lord, Closer Lord!

Hello Worshippers!  It has been a “minute” since I have blogged, but there are numerous nuggets within my heart.  Finding time to get them on paper is more challenging now than ever.  But……I wanted to encourage all of us to keep asking the Lord our Lover to pull us deeper into Him!  The closer we get though, the hotter it will get!  I want to share an excerpt with you from our newest book release:  “The Day I Danced Under an Open Heaven”.  I hope that you will enjoy this excerpt and if you feel prompted by the Spirit of God, go to the author site and purchase it at  Also, if you would rather have an autographed copy, you can select the “donate” button on the website and make your donation.  Leave your address confidently on my FaceBook inbox page, and I will mail it to  you!  Now, Here is the excerpt from the book.  Enjoy and may God bless you!

He wants to kiss you with the kisses of His lips: (Song of Solomon 1:2)- this passage is deeper than the image of a husband and wife.  The purpose of the book of Songs is to show forth the emotions of God and how He feels about His Bride.  It is to reveal the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

How can we partner with Him as His Ministers if we don’t truly know that He is calling us higher and to different levels in Him?  Song of Solomon 1:4 reveals to us that the Shulamite girl is asking her King to draw her into His love chambers.  That is a great place to be but at some point in time, we’ve got to move out of the chamber and make frequent visits higher into the mountains!  (See Song of Solomon 2:10)  He wants us to rise up and come away!  This takes intimacy on a deeper level.

The Day I Danced Under an Open Heaven!!!

Its here! Its here!  The book has finally been born!  This is not just another book about the praise dance.  “The Day I Danced Under an Open Heaven” is a book filled with revelation about worshipping the Father in the “NOW”!  With forewords by Paulette Rolle-Alesnik of Dare to Dance, Inc. and Jocelyn Richard of “The Praise Dance Life”, this book is sure to stir your hunger and desire to hear from heaven like never before!  Read some of what these Women of God had to say about “The Day I Danced Under an Open Heaven”:

Paulette Rolle-Alesnik had this to say about the book:

WARNING!!! Read this book ONLY if you are ready for “…on earth as it is in heaven” and to experience an open heaven over every area of your life through passionate worship.

“The Day I Danced under an Open Heaven” is a spiritually strong, foundational book.  It is a clarion call for the modern Levites to respond to the demands of heaven with an immediate earthly reaction(s).  When heaven speaks, we respond with obedience; heaven kisses earth as we worship in the NOW!  Following Mrs. Cook-Godfrey guidelines will bring success in any ministry AND deeper dimensions in your worship.

Jocelyn Richard wrote this about the Author:

My husband and I had lunch with Denise and her husband DeForest. During our delightful fellowship, I discovered that Denise has a genuine heart for the Lord and a strong passion to bring dance back to the Church for exclusive worship to Jesus. She is a mature humble woman of faith who gives her life to prayer, worship and study of the Bible. She practices and lives what she preaches in this book.

Go to to order a paper back or to download to kindle. Contact Denise Cook Godfrey via face book or by email at for more details.  You may also visit the website and leave a comment!  God bless you!

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Hope after Sexual Sin……….Comments Anyone?






COMING THIS SPRING, THE NEW BOOK:  “UNEQUALLY YOKED- THE PLEASURE OF SIN LASTS ONLY A SEASON”.  PRE-ORDER TODAY!  GO TO and leave a comment, send an email to, or send an inbox message to Face Book at Denise Cook Godfrey.


Just when I thought I had YOU all figured out……….I’m Knocked to My Knees!

Our Heavenly Father surely has a sweet way about Him when it comes to discipline and chastening those whom He loves (Rev 3:19- “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore and repent”).  Yes, there is the “R” word again……REPENT!

As a Minister of the Gospel and as a creative writer, dancer, and mentor, I can attest to the fact that at times we get stuck on the gift way over and above the GIVER!  Every good and perfect gift surely comes down from the Father of Lights, and in Him there is no darkness at all.  Gifts are remarkable.  Anointings are exciting and very useful for the Kingdom of God.  Loving the journey of the supernatural is also exciting and worth all of the work and attention that we give to it.  However, we must never forget that we do what we do by the grace of God.  It is His divine enablement upon flesh that causes our spirit man to reach out to others and join in with the Holy Spirit and truly touch someone with our teaching, preaching, prophesying, praise and worship dancing, mime, drama, spoken word, etc.  We must never place Him in a box and think we know what the outcome of our ministry assignments will be.  Here is the sum of what I am saying:  Just when we think we have ministry all figured out, God has a way of knocking us down a notch and showing us that we can’t do anything without Him and that it is not all about us.  Now, I know we love to repeat this saying but how many of us truly live by “Its not about us-its about Jesus” cliché?  Just when we are soaring on eagles wings and everyone is patting us on the back and all seems to be going well, the Lord surely will break us down and strip us so that we can realize that the highest place that we can ever be is at HIS FEET!

Never get too grown in the spirit.  Never take it upon yourself to offer strange fire upon the altar.  “Strange fire?”,  you may ask.  I am talking about the kind of praise and worship that is not authorized by God.  You know.  The kind that is birthed after the flesh.  The kind that is self centered and mostly just full of dead works!

With all of that being said (and you know I am talking to my self right?) I will endeavor to stay on fire for God through hot, intimate, passionate worship.  I will not do works that are motivated by the flesh and I will wait upon the Lord for He knows what is best for me.  I will keep chasing Him and realize that I can never, ever figure out this thing called ministry.  I will stay humble and listen and cooperated with Holy Spirit.

I pray that you have enjoyed this article and that you stay “fit for the Masters use”!

Postures of Praise




While you are in your positions and postures of praise, allow your Mighty Creator to deal with your heart.  This is when dance choreography becomes more valuable than just 1234 1234 steps.  While you are in the process of preparing music or songs for worship, allow Him to speak to your own spirit.  Preparation for service becomes extremely valuable.

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Praise requires movement.  We can then move from praise into worship where there may not be any movement at all other than kneeling or laying prostrate on our bellies and faces before our awesome God!  Take the time to look up scripture pertaining to movement in the Word and you will be surprised to know that praise and worship is a physical demonstration of our love for God.

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take me to the KING


For more inspirational nuggets, feel free to browse the website,  Also, become a follower of the blog and never miss new posts!




Do You Know Your God???

Daniel 11:32b proclaims:  But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.  In the context of this passage, Daniel as a prophet is being shown some serious, heavy duty stuff that will take place on this earth in the last days.  In those days during the tribulation period.  It will be a time of great deception, where the Anti-Christ will use flattery and deception to hinder people from receiving the truth about Jesus Christ and of course this is truth that should  have been accepted and received before the rapture.  My friends we are now living in the last days and even though the rapture has not taken place yet, we ourselves are living in crucial and perilous times.  Paul talked about the condition of the world and the wickedness that is taking place right now.  So I wanna ask one more time:  Do You Know Your God???  Even though this world is corrupt and there is trouble on every side, those of us who have intimate knowledge of our God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will still do exploits for God under His anointing (exploits can be defined as exciting and notable deeds and acts!)  Although this world is really not going to get any better and there are so many wicked things going on, there will also be exploits and supernatural events taking place in the church!  (Dreams, visions, prophecies, healings, deliverance, signs and wonders!)

Stay strong and grounded and continue to KNOW YOUR GOD and better yet, worship Him each day in order to have Him reveal more and more of Himself to you.  There is security in Jesus!  He places a blanket of protection over His children.  He is our shelter.  Enjoy a dance clip of “Alabaster Box”

The Struggle is Real!!!


Well, the question posed within the title of this article is “forreal”!!!  Have you ever heard the expression “THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!”  Yes, it is very much real because the enemy hates you and because you are dearly loved by God, he intends to wear you out!  Don’t feel bad.  This just means that you are on to a good start and God has glorious plans for your life and your ministry (service unto Him for the Body of Christ-whatever that is).

Don’t give up.  You were made for this!  You were built for this!  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  Philippians 4:13  Go ahead, repeat it and put your name in it:  Denise can do all things through Christ who strengthens her!

So, what do we do, now that the new year has just come in and it seems as if we are already tired?  The answer is simple but profound:  We pull on our source!  We look inside of our own spirit and declare that there is a river in there!  There is a river inside of us that will flow and bless us with refreshing water.  The water is what will give us stamina and strength so that we won’t get weary and give up.  The water mixed with the Word of God will restore and give us the GRACE (divine favor and enablement) to just keep it moving.  I am praying for you.  I pray that your faith will never fail.  I pray that you will be refreshed and never lose focus of your God given purpose!  Remember, Jesus said that we who believe in Him, as the scriptures has said, out of our belly (heart, spirit) flows rivers of living waters!  (See John 7:38)